Terri Fry Kasuba


Havertown/Philadelphia area

Terri Fry Kasuba is an illustrator living in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She majored in business at Villanova University and worked in advertising agencies before returning to school at Tyler School of Art for graphic design. There she fell in love with illustration and storytelling. She works in her home studio, where she is frequently visited by her husband, two boys and 1 dog.

“This might actually be OK!”

Any person who really helped you in your awesome artistic journey?

Martha Rich is a big inspiration. She was very generous with helping me out when I was starting in illustration. My design teachers at Tyler School of Art were pushing me to do the best work possible in the style I wanted to work in.

What do you do when you need a break?

Go for a run or take the dog for a walk. Ideally, I could run with the dog but he’s a “stop and smell the roses” kind of dog.

What was your favorite thing to draw as a child? Why did that lodge in your head?

I definitely remember going through a turtle and whale phase.

Did you have a magic moment when you knew you wanted art to be your life?

I hated my advertising account exec job and my mom encouraged me to go back to school for graphic design and then I discovered illustration and I was hooked.

On a project, what’s the rush like when everything clicks?

Fireworks in my brain. And I think to myself, “This might actually be OK!”