Help our stick collection grow!
Help our stick collection grow!
(Get it? Grow? Get it!?)
We're here to say it loud and proud: WE LOVE STICKS! Plastic sticks, stuffed sticks, carved sticks, everyday sticks. If it sticks, we love it! So much so that we've got a pretty impressive collection going on here in the office. But it's not enough! We need more! Won't you help?
Send us a stick, any stick, to add to our office stick collection and we'll send a goodie bag of Blue Q stuff back to the first five stick-senders!
Send your sticks to:
Mitch Nash
103 Hawthorne Ave.
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Don't forget to include your name, email and mailing addresses, and a note about the stick. Where'd you get it? Why is it special? What's it's favorite joke?
Questions? Let us know in the comments!
Thanks for playing and have a great day!